
Motorola gives the Moto X and Moto G a new boot animation as a April Fool’s Day Treat

Moto X and Moto GApril Fool’s Day is typically a day of tricks and misdirection, so it’s nice to see Motorola give its own take on the day of tricksters by giving us a nice little treat instead. For owners of the Moto X and Moto G, you may have noticed your Motorola Boot Services app was updated earlier today, partly because Android devices are now all required to display “Powered by Android” in their boot animations, but also partly because Motorola wanted to include a cute little boot animation. Check out the video below, courtesy of TalkAndroid:

As you can see, apart from the new “Powered by Android” logo, the boot animation features some of the most elusive myths in human history, a UFO, the Loch Ness Monster and of course, Bigfoot. With Samsung and HTC’s attempts at April Fool’s jokes ending awkwardly similar, it’s nice to see an Android manufacturer take a slightly different route and reward their customers with something more tangible and enjoyable.

We should be seeing lots more from other companies as April Fool’s Day continues to dawn in other parts of the world, but what is your favourite April Fool’s effort so far? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: TalkAndroid