• News
  • 15 September, 2012

Motorola loses case in German court, Apple gets more Android devices Pullled

If you ever need something semi worldly important, you can always count on Apple to help. Regardless of how you or I feel about the whole thing, they sure do keep themselves in the news. Well, Apple can add another notch in their belt as far as wins in court against another manufacturer. Seems a German court ruled in favor of Apple Friday on a long running patent case regarding the “rubber band” scrolling animation that Apple apparently owns the patent too. You know the one, where you get to the end of the screen and it bounces back to center on it. Ya, that one.

Before the ruling can go into effect though, Apple will have to hand over a $26 million bond and a specific list of devices that violate the patent. Motorola could always appeal the ruling, but the judge said the degree to which they infringed would make an appeal pointless. Motorola is also going to have to pay up for past damages to Apple, there isn’t a set number on the table yet. you can bet it won’t be cheap and much of it will depend on the list of devices and degree to which they sold.

This ruling comes after a win for Motorola in Germany where Apple had to disable the push email functionality in their devices. It’s a give and take system that only hurts consumers. In the end it is only a win on paper and in the bank accounts for all of these guys. No one is looking at the bigger picture, and that is how all of this ends up effecting the people who spend all this money on products. If I buy a phone for what it does, I don’t want an update hitting it later telling me I can’t do it anymore.

Source: PhoneNews