• News
  • 16 July, 2010

Motorola Responds to Droid X Bootloader Controversy

The Motorola Droid X has been a turn off to die-hard Android fans because of this eFuze chip that was said to brick your phone if the chip detected custom software. This IBM-developed eFuse chip is causing quite a stir and it looks like it has been blown way out of proportion. Motorola says:

“Motorola’s primary focus is the security of our end users and protection of their data, while also meeting carrier, partner and legal requirements. The Droid X and a majority of Android consumer devices on the market today have a secured bootloader. In reference specifically to eFuse, the technology is not loaded with the purpose of preventing a consumer device from functioning, but rather ensuring for the user that the device only runs on updated and tested versions of software. If a device attempts to boot with unapproved software, it will go into recovery mode, and can re-boot once approved software is re-installed.Checking for a valid software configuration is a common practice within the industry to protect the user against potential malicious software threats. Motorola has been a long time advocate of open platforms and provides a number of resources to developers to foster the ecosystem including tools and access to devices via MOTODEV at http://developer.motorola.com.”

The good news is that it looks like Motorola isn’t out to break your latest investment, they just don’t want you throw a custom ROM on it. It will not take long for someone from the Android Community to root this device.

Source: Engadget

Do you think that this device will ever get rooted? Leave your comments below.