
Mystery HTC device caught in the wild sporting Sense 4.0

Unknown devices running around in the wild is nothing new to us. People catch the crazy shots of unknown devices sporting all sorts of various OS’s. We are primarily interested in the Android ones of course. Back in the day we used to see blurry cam ninja shots of a device in hand on a sub way. Gone are those days, now we get to see actual real photos of devices that aren’t named yet. Another HTC device that has no name has been snapped and PhoneArena has the scoop on it.

Cruising through all the images they have gotten their hands on, we are looking at a pretty good little device. Although not the Tegra 3 quad-core we are waiting to see. Take a look at the specs pulled from the images –

  • 1.2GHz dual-core CPU
  • 1GB RAM
  • 8MP camera on the back, VGA front-facing camera
  • WiFi and Bluetooth
  • HTC’s Sense 4.0
  • Verizon LTE

Judging by the rear battery panel many of you might think Droid Incredible 2. It does have that same signature look. It is very possible we could be looking at a Droid Incredible 3. Perks of the device seem to be Ice Cream Sandwich, albeit 4.0.1, hopefully that will be updated before official announcement and release. It also has that super amazing Sense 4.0 UI overlaid. Lets face it, HTC will never make a AOSP stock phone. They have invested too much time and money into making Sense their signature UI to back down now. The good news? This should put a good device in the hands of people looking for a solid mid-range device packing all the latest and greatest software. Take a look at the small sample of images below.

You might also notice that this particular device is still sporting the four hardware keys. In reality, HTC said they would still do three hardware keys with ICS based device and just eliminate the search key. The style and design of this device still has time to change since technically it doesn’t even exist. What do you guys think? Is this a little look at the Droid incredible 3 or maybe that another mysterious device like the Fireball that we have caught wind of in the past?

Via Phone Arena