
myTouch 3G Slide – Froyo Update via PC

HTC is offering myTouch 3G Slide owners some Froyo lovin’. Although it may seem like a late edition to an Android world now flirting with Gingerbread, the new update adds a few new features and bug fixes to the T-Mobile slider.

• Android 2.2.1 FroYo
• Wi-Fi calling
• Wi-Fi hotspot
• USB Tethering (Internet Sharing)
• Low storage (User Data) notification mechanism
• Resolves issues with text and picture messaging
• Resolves some Bluetooth compatibility issues
• Improves compatibility with new Bluetooth devices
• Improves stability and reliability of the device
• Other various minor bug fixes

By now it’s probably safe to say that most people have been running Froyo for some time now. However for those that dig the stock experience there’s now a viable option. This update must be done via a Windows computer using the HTC sync software. A download link and instructions can be found on HTC’s support page.


Source: HTC