
myTouch 4G Slide Accessory Pictures – A Real Look At What’s to Come

Up until now the myTouch 4G Slide has remained rather elusive when it comes to trying to get a sneak peek. Although we’ve seen it posing in a few blurry pictures the only details that could be deduced were its likeness to the original myTouch 4G. However the guys over at Pocket Now have come across a few images modeling the coming accessories for the device that finally give us our first look at what we can expect this device to look like.

First impressions of this device will likely be the same, it looks just like the regular myTouch 4g, however what’s underneath is what separates the two. Besides the evident slide-out keyboard that the new name tag refers to this new variant houses hardware similar to that of the HTC Sensation 4G everyone is so eagerly waiting for. What has been confirmed as far as specs are a 3.7-inch WVGA display, dual-core processor with 768MB of RAM, dual LED flash, and HSPA+ connectivity with supposed specs being an upgraded 8MP camera which as seen be the pictures appears to have optical zoom.

If the rumors hold true we should see this device along with the Sensation unveiled sometime after 1pm (central time) at the T-Mobile event we found out about last week. With nothing mentioned from T-Mobile yet it’s really hard to say what’s going to happen, but you’ll know when it does.


Source: Pocket Now