
Netflix App Updates with New Second Screen UI and Performance Improvements

The Netflix app on Android has been updated. It offers up some playback optimizations that should help make things a bit speedier in your Netflix viewing. While that is nice, it is the second screen enhancements that a little bit more welcomed, especially for those using Netflix from their device to a Chromecast. Below is the old second screen view you would see when you are casting.

Netflix update 4-7 (4)
Now, here is what the new Netflix second screen looks like.

Netflix Chromecast Netflix Chromecast
You can see the banner for the movie/tv show is shrunk and displayed in the middle. Below that you see where you are casting to and you can tap it to change the cast device. You can now rewind in 30 second intervals versus the previous 10 second intervals as denoted by the small near circle with the two arrow heads. At the top you have the name of the show or movie with a small arrow that you can tp to bring it up full screen or minimize it down to view the Netflix library.

It certainly looks a bit better and it seemed to start the movie a little quicker when selecting it to cast.

The update is live in the Play Store so feel free to pick it up when you have a minute.

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