
New A.I.type Keyboard Plus dominates iPhone in Auto-Correct functionality, never spell a word wrong Again

I can’t think of a single person that has an Android device that hasn’t given at least one alternate keyboard a shot. I can count 10 different options in the market just using the search term ‘keyboard’. We all know there are many more out there than that. We have covered quite a few of the more popular ones out like Flext9, Swiftkey X and Swype. I know at some point in time we showed you guys a look at A.I.type when it was released as a Beta app. It is still available for free as a beta app, but now the company behind this application has launched the Plus version to the world.

The keyboard has many of the same functions that you are currently used to on many others plus a few additions.

* Suggests your next word!
* Completes your current word!
* Corrects your spelling as you type!
* Auto corrects your typos when you hit the spacebar (context-sensitive)!
* Automagically learns your common words and style. We call it – MyType (beta!)
* Supports unique skins (Windows Phone 7 skin, iPhone skin, large buttons skin and more).
* Allows skin customization – colors, background images etc.
* Includes a layout for undo/redo/copy/paste/navigation and more.

Words can only go so far when it comes to looking at an application, especially a keyboard. All the key features sound pretty good, but it all comes down to look and feel. When your hard-earned money is on the line you need some way to justify the purchase. To start that long battle in your brain, take a look at the following screenshots and a couple amazing videos below.

As cool as that video was, the one that I really liked watching is up next. They put their keyboard up to an auto-correct battle against the iPhone. They dominated!

Everything these guys seem to be doing, they are doing it right and only getting better.

A.I.type Keyboard Plus offers an improved prediction and correction engine that saves about 75% of the keystrokes – 10% more accurate than its nearest competitor(!) – making it the best prediction engine in the mobile world and Android market!

While we are at it , we should also let you know about a secondary product they offer. Get all the benefits of A.I.types auto-correct and sentence finishing abilities on your PC too. A.I.type has free computer software available for you to use that will help you make fewer mistakes while you use some of the more popular Windows-based applications.

I don’t even know what to think anymore. This is the first company that I have ever seen improve your life, speed and accuracy on your Android device, tablet and PC all in one fell swoop. Below you find the links for the latest installment of A.I.type Keyboard Plus along with their site for the PC software to try out.

Application: A.I.type Keyboard Plus
Developer: A.I.type
Cost: $4.82

Application: A.I.type beta for Windows 
Cost: FREE

Download A.I.type for PC