
New Acer C7 Chromebook unveiled, coming November 13th for $199

Looks like Samsung isn’t the only one getting in on the Google Chrombook bandwagon. Acer and Google just came out of the closet with yet a second option for potential Chromebook users to contemplate over. The new Chromebook is the Acer C7. The new device is set to be available starting November 13th for just $199. That is only $50 less than the new Samsung Chromebook that was announced a few weeks ago.

Cruising over the landing page we see some similarities, but plenty of differences. You still get the free 12 GoGo in flight passes, 100 GB of Google Drive storage for 2 years and an 11.6-inch screen at a resolution of 1366 x 768. However the difference between the two devices is rather drastic.

As you can see they are using an Intel processor, it offers a much larger internal storage size, doesn’t weigh  enough more to really matter much and has more USB ports. Granted they are USB 2.0, but USB 3.0 isn’t all that and a bag of chips just yet anyways. I won;t even pretend to know the difference between the Exynos 5 Dual and an Intel Core chip. So don’t even go there. The landing page and other various links inside of it never gave any specifics on the chip other than what we listed.

I can’t say I am all that pleased with the projected battery life. Since our current netbook only last about an hour, 3.5 hours will still seem like a dream. Honestly the 320 GB hard drive disk space is what sells me on it. We will have to wait and see how it stacks up to the Samsung Chromebook, or if it is even worth the comparison. I still bet that for the average web user and consumer, this little guy priced at $199 is pretty great sounding.

Again, the Acer C7 Chromebook is said to be launching November 13th for $199 in the Play Store and at Best Buy. We also see it being listed for the UK on the Play Store, PC World andk? Looks like it will be all over the place. What do you guys think? With such drastic differences are you more willing to lean one direction or another?

More info on the new Acer C7 Chromebook can be found HEREÂ