
New App in Beta Stage – Make Your Clock Widget

Developer thubalek from XDA is in the process of beta testing a new application he has been working on. The app is called Make Your Clock Widget. Essentially it allows you to custom build a clock widget for your home screen. The concept looks great. I haven’t had a chance to install this myself yet but plan to later today.

thubalek is looking for your feedback on the application. Here is what he needs to know:

  • Is editor intuitive for you? User Experience feedback is highly welcomed.
  • Is app stable on your phone? What about small displays and tablets?
  • How do you like the app? Is it funny or boring? Would you need some other features?

Here is a look at what the editor looks like.

Features coming in a few weeks (some of them are already developed but not turned on):

  • … your ideas ….
  • Designs sharing over internet
  • World Clock Functionality
  • Weather forecast
  • Battery info

If you are interested in testing this app out and helping to make it into something amazing, head on over xda-developers and pick up the install file. Follow the easy instructions and get to creating. If you aren’t fond of the app and uninstall it, you will lose any saved widgets and won’t be able to use them again without the app. If you reinstall it, you will have to start building from the ground up again.

xda-developers [LINK] for the official thread.