
New App: Text Battery Widget

Text based widgets have grown greatly in popularity over a very short time. They make your screen look very clean and professional, in my opinion. A new developer has recently emerged, Andro Seb, he took the idea and expanded the functionality to displaying your current battery status.

The free application gives you basic customization with language, status, background and background color. There are currently 6 languages supported:

– French
– Italian
– Spanish
– German
– Japanese

There is also a Pro version available that offers a little more customization such as text size and color options. The Pro version is available for a mere $1.36.

If you are a huge fan of text icons and text widgets, this is easily another one you simply must pick up.

Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Text Battery Widget application. 
Summary and Downloads:

Application: Text Battery Widget
Developer: Andro Seb
Cost: FREE