
New Details Leaked about Google Nexus Tablet. May Come Pre-installed with Jelly Bean

So since the Galaxy S III was unveiled and announced, the Google Nexus Tablet has now been in the rumor mill as of late. Details keep on emerging and some of us are excited, some of us are unimpressed. Me, I am excited that ASUS has decided to be the first to develop the tablet, but not excited about the small 7-inch size they have decided to go with. Well now new details have emerged that are sure to stir up the Android community.

A trusted source that talked to Techno Buffalo, confirmed that ASUS will be developing the first tablet, and that it will in fact be rocking that Tegra 3 quad-core processor. The 7-inch tablet would sell for the low price of 200 bucks, but many out there might pass it up just to see what would be coming next. Well what if it comes pre-installed with Android’s next OS Jelly Bean? There has been conflicting reports that this might be true, but not yet confirmed. Many analysts have been saying that Jelly Bean would not show us the goods until late fall early winter.

So a $200 7-inch quad-core tablet running Jelly Bean. Could it be true? Or is this the same run around that always strickens the community before the release of a new device? I do not think they would slap Jelly Bean on a small 7-inch tablet, so i will call “BS”. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Phonearena