
[New Game] Data Tunnel; Can you by pass security fast enough to avoid Detection

A Data Stream processes millions of terabyte’s of data a second globally. You are using a data stream right now to view this article and our website. Alternatively, data streams are the how hackers gain access to computers, intercept calls and cause the general amount of debauchery. Data Tunnel is a game based on a hackers inside perspective of screaming through a Data Stream, avoiding security features and reaching the core processor before being detected.

You will use your devices accelerometer for steering and touch the screen to boost your speed. Keeping your eyes focused on the tunnel ahead to steer around obstacles and various other troublesome entities. The first couple of levels in the demo are pretty easy. Giving you a little time to get used to the speed at which you are traveling and how responsive your steering is. You get 6 levels to scream through for no charge with no time limits and no ads.

The graphics of the game look exceptional. The developer has done a great job making it look great and play great. Once you get your dose Data Tunnel in the demo version, you will want to snag the full version for sure. The full version offers a bit more intensity. You will have 25 levels to maneuver through and 7 various unlockable ‘Data Runners’ to choose from. Each runner has its own characteristics. One mmay give you greater speed but is slower to maneuver, while another may be a little slower but maneuver extremely quickly. Finding the right runner to get to the processor before time runs out is the trick. Sometime slow and stead wins the race. It gets pretty crazy after you get going.

To kick the replay value up a bit, each level is randomly generated based on a set of algorithms. If missed a power up, or thought you memorized the tunnel the first time through, you will be wrong. The enemies, obstacles and power ups are randomly generated ever time you play a level. Check out some screen shots and the official trailer below.

If you guys looking for a visually pleasing game that is fast paced and changes randomly, then Data Tunnel is a great title to check out. Below you can click or scan the QR code for the demo version to get a feel for the game. I bet after you weave your way through the demo though, you will have to snag the full version. It is well worth the $1.99 the developer is asking for it.

Application: Data Tunnel Demo
Developer: Jason Geyer
Cost: FREE

Application: Data Tunnel 
Developer: Jason Geyer
Cost: $1.99