
New Google Voice Control TV patent discovered, didn’t Samsung already do This?

Good old Google is working on so many things at one time that is it hard to keep up with sometimes. Between patent filings, leaks and little hints here and there, it is enough to keep us wondering what other things are hidden in the bowels of Google. A recent patent filing was uncovered that showed Google applying for voice controls for TV’s. Essentially bringing the need for a remote obsolete. Lets face it, those damn sock stealing gremlins love to jack your remote too.

The patent outlines how a consumer would be able to speak to their TV, or remote, and issue commands for the TV to complete. Other images suggest using your Android phone or tablet as a gateway to the TV.  As an example, you could ask your TV when Seinfeld was on and the TV would give you listings for the show. This is just one minor example of what voice commands and recognition could do for your life on the couch.

The idea and concept are great, but Samsung is already doing this and much more in their latest smart TV that they unveiled at a press conference before CES. Taking voice commands and incorporating face recognition and motion gestures. From my recollection, the smart TV was not Google powered at all. I may be wrong though. Take a look at the video below of Samsung’s smart TV and you tell us what you think.

Source: Patentlyapple via GTVSource