
New Home Launcher: Honeycomb Launcher Beta; Get a Little More Honeycomb Love Today

I have found yet another home replacement launcher for you guys to try out and keep an eye on. The newest addition is called Honeycomb Launcher Beta. This is still a work in progress but very usable. The list of features that are available are huge –

Honeycomb Launcher Features
✩Clones Android 3.0 Honeycomb as best as possible!
✩ Extremely Fast & Smooth
✩ Internal Themes
✩ Wallpaper Chooser
✩ Hide Notification bar
✩ Extremely Fast & Smooth
✩ Honeycomb Settings
✩ Honeycomb Menu
✩ Honeycomb Dock
✩ Quick-Action Menu
✩ Hide Labels
✩ Tutorials and Help
✩ Supports All Sources of Wallpapers
✩ Supports Live Wallpapers
✩ Scrollable Widgets
✩ Re-Sizable Widgets
✩ Nightly Updates

One of the perks in this launcher a 10X10 work space to allow for more icons or widgets on your home screen, although I don’t suggest putting 10 horizontally. They seem to bunch up a bit and makes it near impossible to select every other app. If you combine this launcher with the Honeycomb 3D project and you have nearly a fully overhauled Android 3.0 look with similar feel.  Take a look for yourself –

If the photos just don’t do enough for you to try out this free home launcher, then maybe this video they made might help you decide to give a try. Although this video isn’t the highest of quality, it sort of gets the point across.



Click or Scan the QRCode below to find out more information about the Honeycomb Launcher Beta application. You can also find out info and share the application with your friends on the AndroidStory App Site.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: Honeycomb Launcher Beta
Developer: ISAmobile-Apps
Cost: FREE