
New leaked Samsung Galaxy S6 photos of fully assembled device are difficult to defend

Leaked photos should always be taken with a grain of salt, no matter who the source is – that is the nature of leaked material. So it is with that in mind that these new leaked Samsung Galaxy S6 photos are brought to our attention, one apparently displaying a fully assembled Galaxy S6 in three colour variants, and another of it beside its two predecessors, the Galaxy S4 and Galaxy S5. While this information has just as much possibility of being true as it does being false, we are suspicious of the content for multiple reasons.

leaked Samsung Galaxy S6 photosSource and image authenticity aside, we’ve seen Samsung mock ups with a similar design, with brushed aluminium back covers, around the time the Galaxy Alpha was released – these could just be the remnants of this. We also know that Samsung has had a pretty serious internal shake-up and that the design of the Galaxy S6 is being completely overhauled, probably with Samsung’s new love for metal frames in mind, and while we have no reason to believe that Samsung is going to be making too many drastic design changes, we’d like to hope that this design is not whatthey have up their sleeves.

But I digress; what do you think about these leaked Samsung Galaxy S6 photos? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: via Phone Arena