
The new Moto G gets a video and official page on Motorola website

new moto gMotorola seems to be on a roll today. Just as we thought the 4th might pass by without any Motorola related news, several videos dropped to show us Motorola’s latest products including the new Moto X, Moto 360 and Moto Hint. You can now add the new Moto G to that list as its video hit not long ago. Check it out below:

With that, it looks like Motorola has announced the 4 devices it has intended to release, coincidentally represented by the 4 rooms at the end of the video. Motorola has also just made live the product page for the new Moto G which divulges most of the juicier details. As many of us had expected, the new Moto G is going to have a 5-inch display, dual speakers, a quadcore 1.2GHz processor and what Motorola says is a “guaranteed [software] upgrade” from Android 4.4.4; with Motorola’s track record of super-timely updates, I think that’s probably an understatement. As with the outgoing Moto G, the new Moto G looks like it’s going to be great value again with models starting from less than $200, a sweet spot that saw the first Moto G become Motorola’s best selling smartphone so far.

What do you think about the new Moto G? Are you liking what you see so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Motorola via Android Police