
New Nexus 7 Accessories Revealed: POGO Dock, Premium Cover, and Travel Covers.

For those of you that would like to jazz up your Nexus 7 experience, a slide showing off new Nexus 7 accessories has just hit the web. First accessory shown off is the dock, which is fit for the four pogo pins on the Nexus 7. This dock will run you about $50, and according to the slide, it is “perfectly” angled. I guess humans of all shapes and sizes will enjoy this perfect angle ASUS has created. The dock will charge the tablet as you are using it, so it is definitely a must-have for the 7-inch jelly belly tablet.

Second we have a premium cover, and an assortment of travel covers. The premium leather case with glass fiber bumpers, should be arriving at the end of August for about $40. The assorted color covers you guys have probably already read about, which are already on sale in the Play Store for about $20. So let us know if you Nexus 7 users out there plan on getting any of these accessories for your not so big tablet.

Source: Android Police