
New power shorts and sleeping bags could keep your device charged out in the Wild

Battery Charging
Here is a fun one. Scientists from the University of Southampton are heading up research that could change the way you keep your device charged while walking festivals and even out camping.

First up is a pair of Power Shorts that uses the energy generated by the average person to charge your phone. The fabric that is used turns the simple act of walking into power. Gaps in the clothing are squashed together and generates enough juice to power up your device’s battery. They are also developing a Recharge Bag, a sleeping bag, that uses the body’s heat while sleeping into battery power for your device.

“Our ambition was to create a practical but exciting solution to the charging-related issues experienced by many at outdoor events. We hope that people harness the power in their pocket to keep them chatting and texting throughout their entire festival season,” Christian Cull, Director of Communications at Vodafone, said.

As far-fetched as it might sound, there will be festival goes at the  Isle of Wight Festival in the UK who will be trying out the invention this weekend. Chistian Cull also states, “We are looking to integrate these into consumer products.”

Would you pick up a pair of shorts and/or a sleeping bag if they could charge your phone on the go instead of carrying spare batteries or battery packs around with you? I know I would. It would make long trips to events, carnivals and camping a little easier and more fun.

Source: Gadgets.ndtv