
New render of Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus surfaces, looks… like a bigger S6 Edge

The Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge has been a surprising success for Samsung, so much so that the Korean manufacturer is rumoured to be preparing a larger, but similar package called the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus. If the “Plus” tag wasn’t enough to give it away, basically the only thing different about the S6 Edge Plus is allegedly going to be its size, and according to @OnLeaks, it’s going to have a 5.5-inch display, not a 5.7-inch display as previously thought. Check out the render that @OnLeaks posted earlier today:

Despite this, I want to point out that the dimensions given in the tweet might not give the full screen size considering that the screen does curve on both sizes. Whether or not it’s correct though, the S6 Edge Plus does look like it’s the real deal and we could be seeing something about it in the not too distant future.

What do you think about the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Phone Arena