
New Samsung Galaxy S4 TV ad shows new dad uses for the Device

Samsung Galaxy S4 Swaddle Master
Being a father is a tough job. We need all the help we can get. Technology can easily help us get through a long afternoon of watching the kids and letting the wife get a breather. I know I would be lost without my Google TV and my Samsung Galaxy S4. We watch movies, listen to music and play fun games on the TV, then switch to the phone and read interactive books and check out movie trailers. I have no doubt that I am breading another tech enthusiast. In Samsung’s latest TV Ad, they pull the focus from bashing the iPhone and turn to more real world applications of the software built into the flagship Galaxy S4.

The video is called “Swaddle Master” and if you have raised kids, currently working on it or have a bun in the oven, you will appreciate this ad a heck of a lot. In Saddle Master good old newbie dad is trying to wrap his baby up in those awesome little blankets. Apparently it’s called a swaddle, I always called it a burrito wrap. His trusty Galaxy S4 is sitting next to him on the changing table and he shows you how to use Air Gestures to answer a call, use S-Voice to search YouTube, and how the awesome eye tracking software pauses the video when he looks away and plays when he looks back. It is a really great ad that focuses on the uses of the S4 without the song and dance routine or the pokes at Apple. Check it out.

You have to hand it to Samsung for putting this great little ad together. Don’t forget, Fathers Day is just around the corner.