
New Samsung T699 shows up in T-Mobile User Agent

Hmm, this new user agent leak sure does make a person think a little. Recently we saw a user agent that showed a model number of T999. Keeping in the spirit of the Galaxy S naming configuration, we expect that to be the Galaxy S III. However, this could in fact be it as well. On the other hand we also have rumors of the Galaxy Note and Galaxy Nexus still slated for T-Mobile this year as well. With the Notes number supposedly being the T879. Are you as lost as I am? I sure hope so. The user agent points out a few little details that doesn’t really point to a specific device. It shows the device is using ARM11 and has a screen resolution of 720 x 1280. The resolution is the same for all three. On a side note though, the name T699 is recycled, it was once used for the Gravity T. We doubt T-Mobile is looking to turn a messaging phone into an Android power house device. It is anyones guess at this point really. It still is fun to try and put 2 and 2 together though isn’t it. Personally I am just glad to see what appears to be a string of great devices finally hitting T-Mobile. Anyone with more information, feel free to comment below or shoot us a descreet email, anonymity would be top priority of course.

Source: TmoNews