The other day
David saw a screenshot showing Google’s new GDrive information. It showed very little information, but what we did see was a little concerning. It showed a whopping 2GB of storage space free at sign up. A new screenshot has recently been acquired that bumps that space up to the rumored 5GB of space we had all hoped they would offer. We feel 5GB of storage is a great place to start. No doubt Google will offer plenty more for a fee of some sorts or possibly via a referral process. According to TalkAndroid,
GDrive is still targeted to launch around the week of April 16th. Just a little over two more weeks from now.
My question for your guys is this, will you jump on board right out the gates? I am personally on the fence. I already have Dropbox and through all their latest photo promotions and other various ways to get more space have amassed 35.5 GB of space. Pretty crazy right? I suppose my adoption of a GDrive account will be solely based on how it works and what I can or cannot upload. I will just have to wait and see in a few weeks.
Source: TalkAndroid