• News
  • 29 February, 2012

New set of drama puts Google and Apple in court, fighting Together

The drama that is AppleGoo, never seems to quiet down for more than a day or so. Often times it is Apple suing Google over something or visa versa. In the latest court drama that could make its way to prime time TV, Google and Apple are actually on the same side. You read that correctly. Seems that Florida based company PanoMap is calling out AppleGoo, as I like to now call it, for patent infringements. PanoMap alleges both companies are in violation of U.S. Patent No. 6,563,529.

So, what the heck is it? Well, that specific patent is owned by PanoMap and is described as an ““Interactive system for displaying detailed view and direction in panoramic images.” Sound familiar? They are calling out Google for Street View specifically, while I am not sure what Apple has or uses but it is similar. The patent basically covers a system that allows a user to adjust a camera position of a wider view while, at the same time, displaying a small detailed HUD. Much like the image below from Google Street View and the patent image below it.

Where it gets more interesting is that PanoMap just recently was approved for the patent in early February. Meaning they wasted no time filing the suit. It also means that they probably had it all drafted up and all the research in to file it and just patiently waiting. To kick it up a notch, PanoMap is asking for triple the damages and offering up proof that both companies knew about the patent and ignored it. They claim they have proof that Apple visited a website in 2007 that displayed the patent clearly, while Google cited it in a previous patent application.

There is talk of patent trolls and if the PanoMap actually makes mapping technology or is just backed by investors of a shell company. Not that it really matters. The fact is the suit is on the table and Google and Apple need to join forces this go round. What a pair to go to go court together.

Source: Technobuffalo