• News
  • 24 July, 2015

New study identifies “clear connection” between cancer and wireless devices

We live in a world dominated by wireless devices – we’ve always suspected that there is a risk associated with this many devices around, radiofrequencies flying around and such, but yet another study has emerged that says there is a “clear connection” between wireless devices and cancer. The result of radiation from wireless devices can cause “metabolic imbalance” – also referred to as “oxidative stress” – which can lead to various diseases and cancer. Long term oxidative stress can even cause things we wouldn’t think twice about, or necessarily attribute to wireless device use – headaches, fatigue and skin irritation. This isn’t just high levels of radiofrequency radiation either – the study examined radiation levels that are far below the level deemed to be safe by regulatory bodies.

The findings in the study are definitely food for thought as our world only becomes increasingly wireless. And if you’re thinking that this is just one study, the authors of the study actually examined 100 other peer-reviewed studies, 93 of which suggested the same result. The study concludes:

“We suggest minimizing the intensity and time of RFR exposures, and taking a precautionary approach towards wireless technologies in everyday human life.”

Which is perhaps stating the obvious, but it’s not something many of us would instinctively do given how much we use our wireless devices, smartphones and tablets, everyday. It definitely makes the idea of unplugging now and then a little more necessary, if not attractive.

What do you think about the findings of this study and the “clear connection” between cancer and wireless devices? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: informa healthcare