
New SwiftKey 3 Beta features solve the most common correction Issues

There you are, typing away on your device, watching your figures more so than what you are typing. It is just how we use our keyboard on our phone. You finally get finished with what you intended to say and see your mistakes. Not always misspellings or terrible punctuation. More so the words that got lumped together where a space was needed. This happens to me all the time. Luckily I am usually texting friends and family, so I could really care less if it is perfect or not. On occasion though, I will go back and fix the issues manually. This is not only annoying but time-consuming.

Thanks to the newly redesigned SwiftKey 3 Beta and a bit of new technology, this soon will be an issue of the past. The latest keyboard software will automatically detect the words that you have accidentally combined and add spaces for you. How awesome is that. The team has also redesigned the graphics and key layout a bit, making it look better and giving us a larger space bar.

Another new addition is the punctuation key. Now you are able to press and hole it then slide to the intended key. There are also a number of new themes to choose from. To really see the difference you need to check out the video presentation below.

The Beta is up and running right now, but you would need to be part of the SwiftKey Beta VIP program to partake. Assuming all goes well, we should see this latest addition added to the Play Store soon. I am hoping it is an update to the current application and not a new one to pay for.

One more video demo of the keyboard in action compared against the Ice Cream Sandwich keyboard.