
New Swype Beta Now with “Themes”

Swype has updated the keyboard we’ve all known and loved. The great thing is that the performance is better, as usual. The mildly good news is they added themes. The bad news is the themes need work. To get this new release all you need to do is register at the site, request the Beta, and wait for the email. Now there have been on and off issues downloading it, but they have been on the ball monitoring it and there are appropriate warnings and directions posted on the website.

Overall, there aren’t many changes in the format. They are very good with the if it ain’t broke don’t fix it mentality. Each version of the app does seem to get more responsive. The most exciting new feature is the ability to choose themes. The downside is they need to rethink how they’re doing themes. The option is long overdue, but the work done by Djdarkknight69 and others who have played with it have made far more progress. The theme assortment goes as follows:

As seen, they’re pretty basic. The color options really only affect the keypress glow and trails, which have been messed with since the days of theimpaler747 on the original Epic 4G. The themed versions are also mostly white keys which is only going to please a specific audience. I am a bit disappointed in a lack of blue or green option. As you can see, the “blacked out” version only comes with yellow accenting.

I applaud Swype for catching up with the times and offering themes. I’m also, as always, pleased with performance updates, but they would do better releasing the code on their versions to allow artists to make art or look to increase variety. I will always use Swype as my preferred input method, but it looks like it’ll still be aftermarket versions until the variety increases. The average stock user will be pleased with the new features, but advanced users may find themselves wishing their favorite themers could help out.