
Newly announced Xiaomi MiPad sports NVIDIA Tegra K1 with all its 192 cores of graphic Goodness

Xiaomi MiPad
Xiaomi announced a new tablet earlier today in Beijing that is certainly making waves. The new 7.9-inch tablet packs some specs, like a 2048 x 1,536 screen resolution, 6700 mAh battery, 2GB of RAM and either 16 or 64GBs of onboard storage with an SD card slot. It also offers up a 8Mp rear shooter and 5MP front shooter. While some of that might sound interesting, it all becomes even more interesting when you find out that the new MiPad is powered by the new NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor.

The ‘K’ stands for Kepler, and 192 GPU cores to the tablet. The Tegra K1 chip supports OpenGL 4.4, OpenGL ES 3.1 and DX12. In English, high-end PC and console game companies can bring some of that graphic quality mobile if they do so desire. Seriously, check it out:

The MiPad will go on sale in June in China as an open beta. Select fans will get the chance to go hands-on with pre-production units too. Where it gets interestingly better, they say the 16GB model will be $240 and the 64GB model will be $270.

Sorry Samsung, the Tab S line sounds great, but I bet I could buy 3 of these to one of yours. What do you guys think? Is the new MiPad from Xiaomi on your radar for import? Cause, you know, chances of the US getting their hands on it any other way is probably not plausible.

Source: NVIDIA Blog