• News
  • 27 March, 2012

Next Transformer Prime update to have “Awesome new Features”

Nothing like teasing your users with an extremely vague and potentially fantastic update. That is what ASUS did today on their Facebook page. Leaving no sort of clue, only that ” Awesome new features coming in the next Transformer Prime firmware update.” That’s enough to make me hit the F5 key and call in sick to wait for it. Well, not really. It still gets the creative juices flowing though. We know the Prime is already on Ice Cream Sandwich, so that isn’t it. They say awesome new features, that leads me to think that some sort of included service and or application that they have been working on will hit in the update. What could that feature or app be? Maybe Splashtop THD included for free for everyone? Doubtful, but I sure wouldn’t complain if they did. Maybe it is some fantastic new cloud storage service? I don’t own a Prime so I am not sure what is installed and available already. Or, will it be Face Unlock that everyone is crying out for? No matter what it is, the brief statement sure got the hype going. Since ASUS isn’t one to let people down, we fully expect it to be something pretty ‘awesome.’

Anyone out there have a speculation of their own on what it could be?

Source: Facebook via Androidpolice