November 13th, is when the highly anticipated 10-inch bad boy tablet, the Nexus 10, is set to release, but it seems that Wal-Mart is getting a little too anxious about it. Last night, a shopper that went into their local Wal-Mart, and stumbled on Nexus 10 just sitting on the shelf with a price tag and everything! What?!?! Excuse me while speed off to Wal-Mart…okay I am back, and I did not have much luck like this person did. As you can see in the picture above, Wal-Mart will be selling the Nexus 10 for the price of $500. I think if it were me that stumbled on this treasure, I would not have been able to resist. I would have looked over my shoulders, then grabbed it really quickly, and headed for the cashier. After purchasing it, I would have walked out the store with it under my jacket, as if I had stolenĂ‚Â the darn thing. Why can’t I have this much luck? Anyone seeing it in their local Wal-Mart?
Source: Phandroid