• News
  • 27 October, 2012

Nexus 4 Left In Bar, Google Employee Fired

In all of my 15 years as a bartender I have never been as lucky as a San Francisco bartender employed by the 500 Club who goes by the name of “Sudsy”.  According to Sudsy, they find an average of about 20 phones a week with most of them being claimed within 15 minutes.  This phone sat by the register all the next day so Sudsy took a closer look and noticed something a bit different.  This phone didn’t have a SIM card and had some funny words on the back.  This phone said “Not for resale” on the back.  Sudsy decided to show this phone to his friend Dave.  Dave called Google.  Dave then told Sudsy the Google Police were on the way, someone had been fired, and Sudsy had found the LG Nexus 4!!

While Google confirms none of this, it seems they were quite shaken up about this and Google’s very own global investigations and intelligence manager  Brian Katz was headed to the 500 Club for a quick recovery of one of their highly anticipated flagship devices, only to be led on a wild goose chase by co-workers of Sudsy.  Truly my new hero, Sudsy refused to hand over the device until Katz could prove he worked for Google because he didn’t want Apple to get their hands on what surely will be my next phone.  The full story along with ACTUAL pictures can be located here Wired.com.

Many of us here at AS have quite a few stories and thoughts about Google and Nexus.  Please check out this awesome leak on the LG Nexus manuals.

LG Nexus Manual Leaks