
Nexus 4 Showing that it Indeed Can Have LTE Support

Remember how there was this big deal about the Nexus 4 not coming with LTE support? Well forget all that! Nexus 4 can have LTE support…in Canada. Yes, Telus customers have been reporting that they have been able to tap into the hidden LTE chip inside. Hidden LTE chip? That makes no sense. According to the image above and the videos I have seen, it would be true.

When you go into the phones settings, and hit the preferred network option, there is the option to be on LTE, or to have both GSM and LTE. Now it only brings in the LTE from Network 4 that is available in our neighbor country. Engadget tried to tap in a similar network in the UK, but were left with no LTE on the Nexus 4. Pretty interesting. Canadian friends, let us know if this can happen on your phone. US friends, it is all good because hopefully your GSM speeds are still pretty rockin.

Source: Engadget