
Is the Nexus Line Ending in 2015?


Eldar Murtazin is one of those guys that seems to have a knack in finding out information before everyone else. We would say he has about a 70 to 80 percent rating for being spot on, and now he has dropped a doozy about our precious Nexus phones.


Murtazin just tweeted that information out, and I quickly straightened up and belted out, “WHAT?!” before my fingers started typing out this post. To me it seems like a pretty good idea, as well as true.

When Google started this Google Play Edition line,  a lot of us thought they were being extremely kind by throwing on stock Android on our more popular devices, without us having to suffer through the task of rooting those devices. But then Google started throwing curveballs at us, when they announced Google Play Editions of random devices, like the LG G Pad 8.3, Sony Z Ultra, and the Moto G. Maybe this is a preview of things to come?

Then we have the Moto X. Some of us speculated that the Moto X line would maybe phase out the Nexus line, but having the Google Play Edition line sounds a little more intelligent, and it will allow the manufactures battle it out for best Google Play device. That’s just what we are thinking over here, but let us know what you guys think about this. True? Or complete BS?

Source: Twitter