
Nexus One Car Dock Allows Camera to Work While Docked

The Google Nexus One Car Dock has been designed so that all the functionality of the phone can be used while it’s docked.  The Headset port is available for those of you who want to plug into your car stereo and use the Nexus One for your music.  The back is even open so the camera works too.  Probably not a good idea to play with it while your driving, but if you really wanted to you could take a video of your trip.

I made a short video and took a couple of photos to see how well it would work through the windows of the car.  The quality was really good and no real shaking was noticeable.

Take a look at the video below:

and here’s a couple of photo’s just because I could:

Nexus One Dock Realtime Photo

So I hope you enjoyed my pointless little video and my wonderful neighborhood.  No too much I could think of as an actual use for the camera while your driving unless your trying to spy on the car in front, but it’s fun anyway.

What have you done with your Nexus One  Car Dock?