
Nexus Q retail launch postponed, Google will give pre-order customers a free Nexus Q in return

Google has just sent out an e-mail stating that the Nexus Q retail launch has been postponed, as they are working to add additional features onto the spherical device. Because of this delay, they are sending everyone who pre-ordered, a Nexus Q for free. You won’t be charged at all for the device, unless you had other items in your shopping cart during checkout. I should’ve “bought” one. Nevertheless, this is pretty cool of Google.

Here’s the full email:

We have an important update about your Nexus Q pre-order.

When we announced Nexus Q at Google I/O, we gave away devices to attendees for an early preview. The industrial design and hardware were met with great enthusiasm. We also heard initial feedback from users that they want Nexus Q to do even more than it does today. In response, we have decided to postpone the consumer launch of Nexus Q while we work on making it even better.

To thank you for your early interest, we’d like to extend the Nexus Q preview to our pre-order customers and send you a free device. If you had other items in your order, your credit card will be charged for those items only.

Your Nexus Q will be on its way soon and you will receive a notification and tracking number from Google Play when it ships.

The Nexus Q Team

Source: AndroidCentral