
NFC enabled digital content dispensers makes NFC more Fun

Many of our new Android devices have NFC (Near Field Communication) chips installed in them. They are what give us the cool tap to transfer technology, the Google Wallet offerings and many other amazing inventions like unlocking the door to your house or even hotel room. While the technology isn’t all that new, company’s are starting to discover new uses for it. Take for example this awesome little dispenser created by Razorfish. It took them all of two days to build using a Galaxy Tab as the main panel display, two Arduino microcontrollers and an embedded NFC reader at behind the traditional dispensing door. Simply deposit your coins in the turn style knob and give it a twist. Instead of dispensing something physical, you simply hold your phone next to the dispenser door and collect what ever digital content you just purchased.

What a wicked little idea. It can be configured to offer up eBooks, Movies, Games, Coupons and pretty much anything else one could imagine. How great would it be to walk into Starbucks and see for 50 cents you can get a coupon for half off your cup of coffee. We doubt the movie or music industry would be up for selling tracks or movies for 50 cents a pop, but with a little ingenuity dollar slots could be added. Not to mention the potential for Movie theaters who could offer special games or movie outtakes for patrons to snag. The possibilities of this sort of machine showing up across the globe is extremely possible.

Source: SlashGear