• News
  • 13 August, 2014

Niantic Labs ‘Field Trip’ will have cards in Google Now

Niantic Labs is a group inside Google that does some pretty wondrous things. Most notably is Ingress, which has taken the world by storm for some time. Prior to Ingress though, they released something called Field Trip. It was an app that would utilize your GPS location to present you with useful information about restaurants, historical sites and various other things of interest close to your position. The power of Field Trip is backed by reputable publications like Arcadia, the history experts. Food Network, Zagat and others for food. Atlas Obscura and Daily Secret for hidden gems along with Songkick and Flavorpill for local music. It is a pretty cool app to help you discover things around you that you might pass every day and not even notice. It is especially fun to have on road trips too. Some good news has surfaced today regarding Field Trip. Seems it has done a pretty great job and will soon be integrated into Google now.

You won’t need to do anything special, like most of the Google Now functions, it will just appear. It looks like the cards will pop up with a lable of “discoveries” and when tapped, will offer up various things around you.

Field Trip Google Cards in Google NowField Trip Google Cards in Google Now
I am sure you can get more out of the app then you will with Google Now, but it is certainly going to be a nice little addition to have automagically appear. Feel free to check out the main Field Trip app down below if you want to see how it works. It is also available for Google Glass, and looks really useful in my opinion.