
Nikkei reports that next Nintendo console could be running Android

If I said that it were possible that the next Nintendo console could be running Android, I wouldn’t be surprised if you called me sacrilegious. Unusually, that is exactly the news that has dropped today according to Japanese financial paper, Nikkei, who claims that not only will the games giant develop games for Android, but also build hardware that will run Google’s operating system. This would be a huge change in direction for Nintendo who has up till now relied on their own proprietary hardware and software to power its video game consoles.

There are pros and cons for Nintendo if this does turn out to be true – an Android based console would definitely make Nintendo relevant again in a console war that is increasingly only about Sony and Microsoft. On the other hand, current Android games are hardly console-ready – a handful could pass for low budget games while others were console games 5+ years ago. Either way, it’s a tantalizing possibility, and we hope we find out more about this possible Nintendo-Android console sooner rather than later. E3 2015 here we come!

What do you think about a Nintendo console running Android? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Nikkei via BGR