
No rear camera on the Nexus 7 was a cost cutting conscious decision by ASUS

Not that the news of no rear camera on the Nexus 7 tablet is new, some people wondered why one wasn’t included. The answer to that question was price point. In order for ASUS to keep the new tablet price as low as possible to get it in the hands of more people, certain things needed to be removed. ASUS had three options; 1) Add in a high quality rear facing camera, 2) Add in a low resolution rear camera or 3) leave the camera out of the equation. Obviously they chose to keep that camera out of the tablet.

So why that choice in the final production model. Well, had they added in a HD camera of any sorts it would raise the price point in which they had to sell the device. Ultimately making the device cost more and meaning fewer people would buy one. Had they added in a lower resolution camera, we all would have complained that it was terrible. By not adding in any camera, you can complain that it doesn’t have one, but you won’t complain about the quality or the raised price. It really makes sense. Now had it had an HD camera it might have only brought the price up another $50 to $100, but then it wouldn’t be competing on the same level as other tablet options like the Kindle Fire and such. ASUS explains it pretty well in the answer provided to SlashGear

“Why is there no rear camera?

To make this device accessible to the widest possible market, price is very important. ASUS believes that for this device a good rear camera is important. Adding a high quality rear facing camera will increase the price point and many users would not have a use for it. Adding a lower quality rear facing camera would compromise on the overall user experience so the decision was made not to include a front facing camera therefore keeping the price down and user experience extremely high.” – ASUS

The next question is, does it really matter if there is a rear camera on your tablet? In my opinion, its overall usefulness and likely hood of me ever using it are slim to none. The Nexus 7 has a front facing camera for Google Hangouts, Skype and similar services, which I think is much more important in the era we live in today. Those of you out there with other tablets that have rear camera’s, do you use it often or is it just nice to have but never gets touched?

Source: Slashgear