• News
  • 23 November, 2015

‘Nomophobia’ is the new name for the fear of being without your smartphone

Losing your smartphone is never a good thing, though some people apparently freak out more than others and there is now a term to describe this psychological state: nomophobia. Derived from the phrase “no mobile”, nomophobia is denoted as feeling panicked when you realize you don’t have your phone, result in feelings of disconnectedness. Sure, it might not be an actual psychological condition, but it can’t be denied how big a role smartphones play in some people’s lives – in fact, a recent study in the UK identified that 41% of the people surveyed felt anxious when away from their smartphone.

While nomophobia is a concern for some, it’s smartphone addiction in general which is probably the thing we have to worry about more. Reports of people using their smartphones during intimate and menial moments alike should be more concerning – if sex is a place where smartphone use is prevalent (one in five one study says), what is sacred enough to stop us using our devices? Even if this isn’t you, it’s probably worth looking at your own smartphone tendencies and figuring out whether or not you should be reducing the time you spend on your mobile devices – we could all afford to disconnect a little more.

What do you think about nomophobia and smartphone addiction? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Psychology Today via Phone Arena