
Noodlecake Studios has released Sunburn! for Android, jetpack through space for $2.99

After just over 6 months on the iOS platform, Noodlecake Studios is now bringing out Sunburn! for Android, an indie game that sees you jetpacking around in space trying to save your stranded crew. In case that blurb isn’t enough to make you want to play, check out this video and make your own mind up:


Your ship is gone.
Your crew is scattered.
One option remains.
Gather your crew…
and jump into the sun.

Sunburn! includes 50+ levels designed to confuse and challenge you as you hurtle towards the sun wondering “why?”. The price of admission for Sunburn! will be $2.99 USD from the Google Play Store, and based on some of the reviews the iOS version has gotten, I’d say this game is worth your time. Hit the link below if you want to get in on this galactic fun and let us know in the comments if you enjoyed it (or not).