• News
  • 22 July, 2010

Nook For Android Finds Its Way To The Android Market

Joining the ranks of Amazon and Borders, Barnes & Noble is joining in on the Android fun and has arrived in the Android Market. The Nook application is an eReader application that allows to download your favorite titles right to your device for a more portable reading experience. We reported a couple of days ago, that Barnes & Noble was working on an eReader application and had announced that it was “coming soon.” We should probably learn to trust B & N, because when they say something, they mean it. The Nook application is currently available in the Android Market and requires Android 1.6 OS or higher. The Nook eReader application would look a lot better on large display devices like the HTC Evo or the new Motorola Droid X with their 4.3 ” display, and as you can see in the image above, they are giving you an example.

Scan the QR Code below via your Android device

or simply search “Nook” in the Android Market

Via:  Barnes & Noble

Which is the best eReader application so far? Amazon’s Kindle app, Borders’ eReader app or the Barnes & Noble Nook app? Let us know in the comments below.