
Nvidia shows how Splashtop THD can bring your PC to life on your Tegra Tablet

While coping with aching feed, uncomfortable floors to sit on and endless lines into press conferences and keynotes, we still managed to learn and see a lot. One of the coolest announcements and features we saw, was shown during the Nvidia presentation. Not only did they make the announcement that the Transformer Prime was getting ICS, but they showed off a new application called Splashtop THD.

The application idea is not all that new of an idea. There are many great application on the market already that let you remotely access your PC to open files, browse the web, email files to yourself or even download files directly to your phone or tablet. Although these uses can be amazing, we always want to do more. Splashtop THD is designed to do just that. During the presentation, which you can watch in the video below, you will see a Transformer Prime running Ice Cream Sandwich using the Splashtop THD app to remotely access a PC. Now, they do have it hard-wired into the PC during the show, strictly because the network connections at CES are terrible. They show some of the basic functionality we would all expect. He goes through playing music, browsing the web and checking up on Facebook. He takes it one step further and opens a movie and plays it on the TP with  audio, which something that other similar based apps struggle to do. All of that is cool and seem like basic features a remote access should be able to provide a user if they have a fast connection.

Where they application really shows off its abilities is sheer power for gaming. They bring Jonathan “Fatal1ty” Wendel, the biggest name in first person shooters ever, and if you have been playing Battlefield 3 then he has probably killed you a few times. Anyways, they bring Jon up on stage to play some Skyrim. Yes I said Skyrim, played remotely on the TP with an XBOX 360 controller. If you are a big gamer or looking to see what some of the new technology we have available can do for you, just take a few minutes out of your day to watch the video below. To skip to the Skyrim demo, move the counter to approximately 4 minutes 30 seconds.

As cool as it was to see, I am still curious how well it works over Wi-Fi. I would hope the same speeds and functionality would be available. Nvidia was very clear that it was tested quite extensively. What do you guys think? Even if it this only lets you play in your house remotely, is it something you are interested in? Do you think remote access for watching movies and playing high-end games is a waste of development? Let us know your concerns in the comments.