Mobile devices and mobile computing keep moving at near breakneck speeds. Think back to the specs that were around when the G1 was first brought to market through T-Mobile. We had a 3.2-inch 320 x 480 pixel screen ,192 MB RAM and 256 ROM with a 528 MHz ARM 11 processor. Now we are into full 5+ inch 1080p HD screens, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB’s of onboard storage, 2 GB of RAM and quad-core processors clocking in over 1.5 Ghz on most all newer flagship devices. Everything is moving incredibly fast and it is no surprise that manufacturers are always upping their game to compete with each other, the market and the consumers. So what’s next?
NVIDIA seems to have the answer to that question with their latest reference tablet demonstration that is sure to blow your mind, at least a little. I will refrain from trying to explain anything that I am completely not able to understand. Rather I suggest you just take a look at the two videos below.
Now wipe the drool from your chin. It is pretty gorgeous isn’t it? Since I won’t even begin to try and explain ANYTHING about it, I will simply point you to
NVIDIA’s blog where you can snag up all the dirty details.