
NVIDIA Tegra Zone App Launches on Android Market


Today, NVIDIA has officially launched their new Tegra Zone application to the Android market. “Tegra Zone was developed to help improve the overall mobile entertainment experience with Tegra-optimized games for today and tomorrow’s generation of super phones and tablets.  With Tegra Zone, NVIDIA has partnered with leading game developers to port the top PC game engines and game titles to Tegra to bring console-quality gaming to mobile devices, along with the fastest graphics performance, to take mobile gaming to unprecedented heights.” Check out some of the game titles below.

  • Dungeon Defenders
  • Samurai II: Vengeance
  • Backbreaker THD
  • Fruit Ninja THD
  • Monster Madness
  • Hardwood Solitaire IV

I am sure we can expect to see many more titles added in the near future, as well more and more games coming out to support the dual-core technology for the devices currently coming out.

Summary and Downloads:

Application: NVIDIA Tegra Zone
Developer: NVIDIA
Cost: FREE

Tegra Zone