
The Oaxis Bento Magnetic Induction Audio Speaker has no strings attached, literally

Oaxis Bento Magnetic Induction Audio SpeakerMagnetic induction is used for many things, but one application for it always pops up now and then but never gets that much traction. That application is sound and the product in question is the Oaxis Bento Magnetic Induction Audio Speaker, a speaker, which as the name suggests, uses magnetic induction to wirelessly magnify the sound from a mobile device. No need for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, apps or settings – just place your device on top and the Bento ‘magically’ amplifies the sound from its speakers.

Oaxis Bento Magnetic Induction Audio SpeakerThe Bento packs a 1,000mAh battery which gives it a life of about 6 hours, and at half a kilo, is a pretty portable speaker. It’s also pretty affordable too, with FirstGrabber offering pre-orders of the device for $59 (and free shipping). We’ll be taking a closer look at the Bento in a future review, so stay tuned for that.

What do you think about the Oaxis Bento Magnetic Induction Audio Speaker? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: FirstGrabber