
OFF TOPIC: Amazing Infographic details things that happen on the Internet every 60 Seconds

One of the most amazing things about my position here at AndroidStory (other than all of you wonderful folks, of course) is trolling the Internet in search of news that I feel should be shared with our readers. Sometimes, when things get a little slow on the Android front, we like to take a few minutes to step outside of the box and find interesting articles for you to read, even if they’re a bit off topic.

I just stumbled across a post in my Google+ stream that led me to an article and a partnering infographic that I figured you might like to check out for yourself. This really gives you a sense of just how big the web is, and what goes on every second of every day.It’s pretty insane to think that there are over a half-million search queries or 98,000 tweets, but if there’s any truth to the infographic, that’s what we’re looking at.

If those numbers aren’t impressive enough, how about the 168 MILLION emails that are sent. Every. Minute. Of. Every. Day. That’s a ton of email, eh? But wait, there’s more — have a look at the second image below:

How’s that for statistics? It’s kinda funny to see the Amazon Kindle Fire selling at 18 units per minute, and11 million instant messenger conversations in progress during the same period. One thing about this that leaves me scratching my head, though — what exactly do they consider “E-waste” and how is there 38 tons of it being generated every 60 seconds? Spooky stuff, man!

Thanks to Liza Sperling for her share of this infographic on Google+. For more info, check out the source link below.

Source: Mediabistro