
It’s Official: Google Is SkyNet, And Andy Rubin Is Leading Google’s Robot Development Projects

google is skynetOk, so saying “Google is SkyNet” is obviously just a joke, but Google is actually very serious and committed to multiple projects that are dedicated to development of robotics. And guess who’s in charge of all this development? Well, none other than Andy Rubin himself, the former boss and mastermind behind the success of Android.

And how serious is Google about this robotics venture? Well, according to the New York Times, Google has acquired 7 companies related to robotics in the past 6 months. This level of investment is by no means small and indicates that Google is looking to make this a big part of its portfolio, however for the time being, Google isn’t focussing this effort on creating consumer products. Rather, the robotics will be designed for Google’s manufacturing processes to help replace some processes that still require manual labour. After that, the SkyNet… ahem, the sky’s the limit.

It will probably still be a few years before we on the outside of Google actually get to see what Rubin and his teams will be up to, but seeing as Rubin has been a Carl Zeiss robotics engineer and is a self-confessed “tinkerer”, you can bet that Google will be producing some very cool, high-tech robots for consumer use before too long.

What do you think about Google’s robotics aspirations? Think they’ll eventually rule that space as well? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: The New York Times via engadget