
It’s official: HTC smartwatch will not be happening in 2014 because no one “has gotten it right”

HTC smartwatchWe were surprised by the lack of presence of HTC during IFA 2014 this year, particularly seeing as most other manufacturers were making big pushes with their maiden, or even second, Android Wear wearables. This naturally gave birth to rumours that HTC had put their HTC smartwatch on hold while they reevaluate given the stiff competition, and today, the company has confirmed as much. Speaking on behalf of HTC’s Creative Labs team, Drew Bamford revealed the reason  HTC won’t be releasing a HTC just yet is less about being scared of entering the market, but more about feeling irresponsible to their consumers:

“We’ve seen a lot of general purpose wearables come to market. There’s not a strong reason to wear one every day. When we come to market with our product we want to make sure the product has a strong point of view and there is a really compelling reason to strap it on your wrist. We think the strategy we were working on will get us there, but we want to take our time and get it right. We honestly don’t think anyone has gotten it right.”

Delaying your release so you can get it right – hardly a strategy that we can complain about, but presumably only if they come through with something. A HTC smartwatch has been on the radar for some time now, but everything has been vehemently denied, apart from the fact that they have been working on one. We’ll likely have to wait till 2015 to see even a trace of an Android Wear wearable from the Taiwanese manufacturer, so we’ll just have to wait and see.

What do you think about HTC waiting to release their first smartwatch? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

Source: re/code via Droid-life

We think the strategy we were working on will get us there, but we want to take our time and get it right. We honestly don’t think anyone has gotten it right.