
Official Jelly Bean updates could hit the Sprint Galaxy Nexus and Nexus S 4G Tomorrow

Now that a huge portion of the whole Motorola and Verizon event is pretty much died down, let’s get back to some other news that many of you would rather hear about. For instance, the possibility of a Jelly bean update landing for two Sprint devices tomorrow. Yup, you read that correctly, not one, but two. An email surfaced that was directed at Sprint Business Sales dated today. It doesn’t give up a ton of information but points out two things that you all have been waiting for.

It states that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will be getting an update to software version FH05 and the Samsung Nexus S 4G will be getting updated to software version JRO03R. Both updates will bring Android 4.1 jelly bean to the flagship Google devices. The update isn’t being handled by Sprint though, it will be coming down from Google themselves. Both of the updates are stated to begin tomorrow, September 6th. Here is to hoping the email and rumor of this update are true and not just some evil fabrication to get all our hopes up.

To Sprint Business Sales

September 5, 2012

Software updates for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (L700) and Nexus S 4G will be available beginning Thursday, 9.6.12. Galaxy Nexus Software Version: FH05 Nexus S Software Version: JRO03R Software updates will be pushed to all handsets via Google. Customers cannot initiate a download on their own.


Upgrades Device Operating System to Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) Fastest and smoothest version of Android released Better search experience Expandable, actionable notifications A smarter keyboard And more!

Source: AndroidCentral